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If you are looking to have your pool table moved, we will need to know the current location in the home/building of the table, and what location it will be moving to. We will also need to know how these areas can be accessed, as well what the physical addresses it will be moving to and from.
Thank you, knowing these few details can help us better help you!
Having carpet replaced, new wood flooring installed or a complete basement remodel? We can disassemble your pool table and move it temporarily to another room in your house or to my warehouse until the work is done. This will keep your table damage and dust free while the work is done.
We can assemble your newly purchased or previously moved table for your home, business, pool hall or bar; The Pool Table Experts will also assemble or disassemble your pool table for moving or storage purposes, as we provide crating service as well.
The Pool Table Experts have experience assembling every make and model of pool table. We have built everything from priceless Charles Porter, Gabriells, and antique custom Brunswick, Balke and Collender pool tables, to your basic Olhausen, Connelly or AMF Playmaster table.