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If you are looking to have your pool table moved, we will need to know the current location in the home/building of the table, and what location it will be moving to. We will also need to know how these areas can be accessed, as well what the physical addresses it will be moving to and from.
Thank you, knowing these few details can help us better help you!
How do you determine how big is your pool table and measure for correct felt size? One of the first steps involved in purchasing the correct pool table cloth and accessories is to correctly determine your pool table size.
Because of differences with cabinet styles and sizes, you can not tell the size of a table by measuring the outside length and width of the cabinet.
The easiest way to determine size is to measure the playfield width from the inside tip of one rubber bumper to the inside tip of the opposite rubber bumper. This would effectively be the width and length of your actual playing surface. Use the chart and diagram below to determine the correct size with your measurements.
Check out Brunswick's Room Size Requirements Chart